Monday, June 13, 2011

Durham Flash Mob!

Get ready to be a part of the DURHAM FLASH MOB!

So what's a flash mob? An organized group of people that appear in a public place, to perform a synchronized act for a brief period, to the complete surprise and bewilderment of those around them.

Where will this be happening?
At one of Durham's largest outdoor venues, the Durham Bulls Athletic Park.

What are we going to do? DANCE! Yes, some top secret dance moves are being developed by a professional choreographer. The dance will be revealed exactly ONE WEEK in advance, to give all you flash mobsters the chance to learn this fun, easy to learn, and family friendly routine.

Details, details: We will be flash mobbing on June 25th, with everyone standing up and dancing at a specific time (TBD) during the game, as the Durham Bulls play the Scranton-WB Yankees.

How do I join the mob? Head on over to the Facebook event and click Attend! More details will be revealed over the coming days.

What, what? Free tickets??? A limited number of FREE tickets will be available to attend the game. The catch is, if you get a free ticket, you have to dance! Send an email to
with your name and the number of tickets for participating mobsters (5 max). Tickets will be given on a first come first serve basis and are strategically placed throughout the stadium. If you would like to sit with more friends and family, you should purchase tickets to the game so that you'll be seated with them.

Spread the word, and invite your friends and family to join in on the fun for a dancin' Durham night out!

The stadium seats 10,000 people, so we'll need lots of participants to make an impact. The goal is to get 1,000, that's right, 1/10th of the stadium participating in the mob. So let's crash the Bulls game in style and be a part of Durham's largest FLASH MOB!

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