Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Nevermore Film Festival

The house lights will go down and the screen will run with blood. Yes indeed, it is once again time for the Nevermore Film Festival.

Their 11th year running, this festival provides an amazing selection of both short and feature length horror films. It proves just how deep and diverse the genre can be, ranging from campy and comedic to dark and diabolical.

The 23 films that will be screened were honed down from over 100 submissions, coming from across the globe. They will be divided across the three different screens at the Carolina Theatre, with a few repeats to help fit everyone's schedule. On Saturday night, some of the filmmakers will be available after the show to field questions from the audience.

We here at Durham Socialite have been attending this festival for a few years now, and this year we decided to use some technology to help us come up with our movie list for the weekend. I am pleased to present the unveiling of the Durham Film Festival Calendar.

It lists the show times for Nevermore in an easy to read calendar format, which can be paper-savingly imported to your favorite mobile device.

We plan to reuse this calendar for the other Durham based film festivals, including Full Frame, Retrofantasma, Escapism, and the NC Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Let us know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Google Calendar widget! I think its a great idea and will be put to good use. Thanks!


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